Quajay Donnell: Blog https://www.quajay.com/blog en-us (C) Quajay Donnell (Quajay Donnell) Sun, 07 Feb 2021 03:31:00 GMT Sun, 07 Feb 2021 03:31:00 GMT https://www.quajay.com/img/s/v-12/u724770916-o39152918-50.jpg Quajay Donnell: Blog https://www.quajay.com/blog 120 80 Driver Side Window https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/5/physical-distancing-photography In an effort to maintain physical aka social distancing, I’ve been doing this driver side window thing to remain active because taking photographs helps me decompress. Will continue to update as I take photos during this time.


IMG_1094IMG_1094Art by Jarus E0290A8C-4386-488A-81AF-F74D34AEFF04E0290A8C-4386-488A-81AF-F74D34AEFF04 IMG_1120IMG_1120 IMG_1269IMG_1269 IMG_1289IMG_1289 IMG_5502IMG_5502 1D6EA7C5-2141-40D8-BA15-BC311A87B3FF1D6EA7C5-2141-40D8-BA15-BC311A87B3FF

Pic 1: @youngjarus // @walltherapyn

Pic 2: @wes21_schwarzmaler // @onurpainting // @walltherapyny,
Pic 3: @vballentine99 // @walltherapyny
Pic 4: Auditorium Theater, Rochester

Pic 5:ROA // @walltherapyny // Various Artist

Pic 6/7: @aerosolkingdom

(Quajay Donnell) Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/5/physical-distancing-photography Sat, 02 May 2020 16:32:20 GMT
Douglass and Lincoln at School 22 https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/douglass-and-lincoln-at-school-22 The students of Abraham Lincoln School 22 have a cool new view at the entrance to the building, a sculpture of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Artist @shawndunwoody said the piece was inspired by the first meeting of the two men at the White House. As the story goes, in 1863 Douglass arrived to meet the President without an appointment as many waited outside to have an audience with Lincoln. He sent his card up the line and within two minutes he heard, “Mr Douglass,” and was ushered in, passing many who had waited days

School officials and Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren were also on hand at the unveiling. Students were locked in, some with phones out and recording, as Mayor Warren spoke to them. She kept referring back to words from Frederick Douglass, especially the quote, “it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” “AND WOMEN,” she added


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(Quajay Donnell) Abraham Lincoln Frederick Douglass Rochester Rochester New York Shawn Dunwoody Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/douglass-and-lincoln-at-school-22 Wed, 26 Feb 2020 16:28:00 GMT
A Sunday with George https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/a-sunday-with-george I spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the George Eastman Museum, spending most of the time exploring the beautiful historic mansion during the annual Dutch Connection

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(Quajay Donnell) Dutch Connection George Eastman George Eastman Museum Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/a-sunday-with-george Sun, 23 Feb 2020 14:45:00 GMT
Meet me at the MAG https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/meet-me-at-the-mag Uh, about Thursday night ... Honestly, I’m still processing because I can’t believe the Memorial Art Gallery really invited me to their Cocktails with Creatives event to talk about memes, my love for Rochester and public art in front of a packed room. The presentations were Pecha Kucha format, 20 slides and 20 seconds each slide to discuss. Below are a few of the images I talked about - focusing mainly on my background in print journalism, memes, my digital collage work, public art and documenting the work of creatives around Rochester. It was great seeing many familiar faces, and meeting some new folks. I'm honored to have shared space presenting with two other amazing creatives, Christy Roushey (@the.house.of.roushey) and John Bertolone (@johnbertolone). Always remember, art matters and public art matters!


American Gothic CatAmerican Gothic Cat dolly challenge copydolly challenge copy IMG_4211IMG_4211 IMG_4767IMG_4767 IMG_6014IMG_6014 IMG_7483IMG_7483
mag b&wmag b&w person-of-yearperson-of-year

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(Quajay Donnell) memorial art gallery public art rochester rochester new york upstate new york https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/2/meet-me-at-the-mag Sun, 09 Feb 2020 18:48:32 GMT
'The Legacy Project: The Eyes of Our Ancestors' https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/1/the-legacy-project-the-eyes-of-our-ancestors “We stand on the shoulders of giants”

Over two dozen closeup portraits of local and national inspirational individuals chosen by East High students, parents and faculty, with art direction by Shawn Dunwoody, were unveiled this week at the school.

'The Legacy Project: The Eyes of Our Ancestors' are in the school’s courtyard and includes both national/international and local figures like. The space allows for additional panels to be added over the years as they see fit.


81592895_10157805551957645_8894247958522888192_n81592895_10157805551957645_8894247958522888192_n 81890634_10157805552052645_8871592650281582592_n81890634_10157805552052645_8871592650281582592_n 82003605_10157805551992645_6539595042581905408_n82003605_10157805551992645_6539595042581905408_n 81789898_10157805552262645_6900886295657054208_n81789898_10157805552262645_6900886295657054208_n 82117139_10157805552322645_2662005199459057664_n82117139_10157805552322645_2662005199459057664_n 81715726_10157805552332645_1957431628619841536_n81715726_10157805552332645_1957431628619841536_n 81968947_10157805552432645_704414416531095552_n81968947_10157805552432645_704414416531095552_n 82286802_10157805552127645_3045617479175897088_n82286802_10157805552127645_3045617479175897088_n 82198415_10157805552227645_7423391529894412288_n82198415_10157805552227645_7423391529894412288_n 82131539_10157805552817645_5690103094717710336_n82131539_10157805552817645_5690103094717710336_n 82195560_10157805552597645_5833340017816109056_n82195560_10157805552597645_5833340017816109056_n 82869539_10157805552457645_2958413704443461632_n82869539_10157805552457645_2958413704443461632_n 82075946_10157805552532645_4207970620295610368_n82075946_10157805552532645_4207970620295610368_n 82379753_10157805552682645_2041686276943380480_n82379753_10157805552682645_2041686276943380480_n 82944143_10157805552712645_8447191547190968320_n82944143_10157805552712645_8447191547190968320_n

The local people portrayed in The Legacy Project:

Dr. David Anderson
Susan B. Anthony
Dr. Walter Cooper
Fredrick Douglass and Anna Murray Douglass
Garth Fagan
Constance Mitchell
Mayor Lovely Warren
Dr. Alice Young

The national/international people portrayed:

Muhammad Ali
Maya Angelou
James Baldwin
Pedro Campos
Roberto Clemente
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Celia Cruz
Marcus Garvey
Katherine Johnson
Frida Kahlo
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Nelson Mandela
Barack and Michelle Obama
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
Oprah Winfrey
Malcolm X


(Quajay Donnell) Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2020/1/the-legacy-project-the-eyes-of-our-ancestors Wed, 22 Jan 2020 02:14:17 GMT
November on Kodak Ultramax 400 https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/11/november-on-kodak-ultramax-400 November on Kodak Ultramax 400

November Ultramax 400November Ultramax 400 November Ultramax 400November Ultramax 400 November Ultramax 400November Ultramax 400 November Ultramax 400November Ultramax 400

(Quajay Donnell) Kodak Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/11/november-on-kodak-ultramax-400 Sat, 30 Nov 2019 19:31:00 GMT
November on Kodak Gold 200 https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/11/november-on-kodak-gold-200 November on Kodak Gold 200 featuring an accidental first shot, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Greater Rochester, and the original Frederick Douglass statue.

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(Quajay Donnell) Frederick Douglass Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/11/november-on-kodak-gold-200 Sat, 30 Nov 2019 19:31:00 GMT
October on Kodak Ultramax 400 https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/october-on-ultramax-400 Some shots from October on Ultramax 400  October Ultramax 400October Ultramax 400 October Ultramax 400October Ultramax 400 October Ultramax 400October Ultramax 400 October Ultramax 400October Ultramax 400

(Quajay Donnell) Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/october-on-ultramax-400 Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:31:00 GMT
October on Kodak 400TX https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/october-tri-x-400tx Some shots on Kodak 400TX in October, featuring George Eastman House, Ugly Duck Coffee and some other scenes around Rochester, NY.


October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400 October Tri-X 400October Tri-X 400

(Quajay Donnell) Film George Eastman Kodak Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Ugly Duck Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/october-tri-x-400tx Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:31:00 GMT
“Mo Mucha, Mo Progress” https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/-mo-mucha-mo-progress Alphonse Mucha: Master of Art Nouveau is now on view at the Memorial Art Gallery through January 19, 2020. In celebration of the new exhibit, the MAG teamed up with Rochester's own Dellarious to bring Mucha to the streets in a series of wheat paste installed public art pieces. I couldn't think of any one more perfect to bring the project to life than Dellarious, whose work can already be seen across Rochester.

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(Quajay Donnell) Alphonse Mucha Dellarious Memorial Art Gallery Public Art Rochester Rochester New York University of Rochester Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/-mo-mucha-mo-progress Sun, 27 Oct 2019 00:50:40 GMT
30 Years of FUA KREW https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/30-years-of-fua-krew I was definitely digging the vibe at Joy Gallery for the opening of 30 Years of @fuakrew89, From Up Above presented by @1975ish and @currentseenroc. Great energy in the room and a solid turn out. If you’re in Rochester, definitely check it out (through November 17, 2019).

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(Quajay Donnell) Current Seen Rochester Rochester New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/10/30-years-of-fua-krew Fri, 11 Oct 2019 02:17:30 GMT
September on Kodak Portra 400 https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/september-on-kodak-portra-400 September on Kodak Portra 400 featuring public art, celebrating the kiddo's bday with our annual early morning trip to the beach and George Eastman Memorial at Kodak Park

September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400 September Portra 400September Portra 400

(Quajay Donnell) George Eastman Kodak Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/september-on-kodak-portra-400 Mon, 30 Sep 2019 18:31:00 GMT
You Belong Here https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/you-belong-here Congratulations to Cameron Community Ministries on the opening of their new teen center for 7th-12th graders. I attended the ribbon cutting for their new space on September 25th. The program began with words from Cameron Executive Director Jennifer Muniga, followed by Senator Joe Robach and then one of the young folks that's part of both their program and youth advisory committee. After the official ribbon cutting, teens led tours through the beautiful building, and outside ArtForce 5, a community art group, organized a collaborative project with attendees. Their amazing space was designed by their youth to feel like a home away from home, and really sends the message, "you belong here."

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(Quajay Donnell) Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/you-belong-here Sun, 29 Sep 2019 22:32:07 GMT
Rochester Play Walk https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/rochester-play-walk I spent some time yesterday with the kiddo on the Play Walk in @cityofrochesterny.

“The new downtown trail where you can play along the way” starts at @roccity_library, which features a foosball table and a series of picnic tables with painted on chess boards (pieces + instructions on how to play too). Once you leave the library, follow the blue and yellow trail down Court towards Chestnut. Each stop features an activity, a small free library, and a place to sit and enjoy. The mini libraries are old @USATODAY / @democratandchronicle newspaper boxes converted by @shawndunwoody. The final stop is at Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park on Chestnut, full of colorful art. The idea for the Play Walk is to create a playful trail downtown between @museumofplayroc and @roccity_library. Check it out.
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(Quajay Donnell) public art rochester rochester new york Shawn Dunwoody upstate new york https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/rochester-play-walk Tue, 24 Sep 2019 10:56:05 GMT
Rochester on Film https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/rochester-on-film I recently starting taking pictures on film again. After picking up two point and shoot cameras from eBay, I spent a few afternoons out and about in Rochester testing out the cameras. These are a few of my favorite images.

(Shot on Kodak UltraMax 400)

Ultramax 400Ultramax 400

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Ultramax 400Ultramax 400

(Quajay Donnell) rochester rochester new york upstate new york https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/rochester-on-film Thu, 12 Sep 2019 03:02:53 GMT
The Great New York State Fair https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/the-great-new-york-state-fair Last Sunday we went to the @nysfair. I only shot film (Kodak UltraMax 400) to test out a camera (Canon AF35ML) I picked up on eBay. These are my favorite shots.

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(Quajay Donnell) https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/the-great-new-york-state-fair Thu, 12 Sep 2019 02:43:53 GMT
Watching Wizards Work https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/watching-wizards-work I spent some time laughing with and snapping shots of @magnusapollo and @massive_master_matt back on August 29th while they worked on the latest @walltherapyny collab, a mural at the new YMCA on Jefferson and Clover in Pittsford, NY. It was a pleasure watching these two wizards wield their paint brushes and create magic. I’m sure the kids who will use the playground that this mural surrounds will have just as much fun as the kids in the world they created.

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(Quajay Donnell) Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/9/watching-wizards-work Sat, 07 Sep 2019 03:56:07 GMT
Kodak Camera Club Photo Walk https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/8/kodak-camera-club-photo-walk The saying use to be, “Kodak or it didn’t happen.” Well, this happened

Shot on 35mm film (Portra 400) inside Kodak Park in Rochester during a photo walk with @kodakcameraclub_roc. Kodak Park is very much a living and breathing facility. Much different than the height of film but they still have a rather large foot print, and the photo walk gives you a glimpse. 

If you’re in Rochester (or somewhere during one of their traveling events), I recommend signing up with the Kodak Camera Club. This is my second time out with the group, and definitely won’t be my last.

Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park

Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park Eastman Kodak ParkEastman Kodak Park

(Quajay Donnell) kodak Rochester Rochester New York Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/8/kodak-camera-club-photo-walk Sat, 24 Aug 2019 18:05:36 GMT
This is Triumphant Music https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/this-is-triumphant-music Rochester artists highlighting Rochester artists in this amazing and beautiful piece. “This is Triumphant Music” adds more color to Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park, and is a great addition to the space.

The mural features @oldmoseypants @daniellepondermusic @mikaeladavis, and is a collab between @walltherapyny @cityofrochesterny @aerosolkingdom @bwilliamsart @msshaftway and @rocpaintdivision.

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(Quajay Donnell) Brittany Williams Justin Suarez Public Art Rochester Rochester New York Sarah Rutherford Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/this-is-triumphant-music Thu, 01 Aug 2019 00:52:22 GMT
It Was All A Dream https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/it-was-all-a-dream I was there back in late June when @shawndunwoody started the four-sided mural in Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park with a team from @sherwinwilliams. Last week the finishing touches were added.

The mural includes quotes from King, Notorious B.I.G., and two of the most notable citizens in Rochester history, Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony. The mural is a wonderful addition to downtown and Rochester.

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(Quajay Donnell) Frederick Douglass Public Art Rochester New York Shawn Dunwoody Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/it-was-all-a-dream Wed, 31 Jul 2019 23:05:00 GMT
Frederick Douglass: “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?" https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/frederick-douglass-what-to-the-american-slave-is-your-4th-of-july 4870869594413313091_IMG_56474870869594413313091_IMG_5647    “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.”

   A parking lot and this Frederick Douglass statue now sit where Corinthian Hall once stood. The hall, which burned down in 1898, was the site of the now famous 'What is the Fourth of July to the Slave’ speech by Douglass. According to historical accounts, “on July 5, 1852, at least 500 people poured into the hall where Douglass gave a speech at an event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was biting oratory, in which the speaker told his audience, “This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn ..."

   I’d like to imagine his vantage point looking out on that sea of people as they looked back with him delivering the fiery speech — “to him (slave), your celebration is a sham ... There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour.”


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(Quajay Donnell) Frederick Douglass Olivia Kim Rochester Rochester New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/frederick-douglass-what-to-the-american-slave-is-your-4th-of-july Fri, 05 Jul 2019 04:19:00 GMT
Backstory: My Time in Print https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/backstory-my-time-in-print IMG_4776IMG_4776One of my responsibilities as production manager was to look over the pages before they were driven to the printer (John Murray)

   Last year The Waterbury Observer celebrated their 25th year. I’ve been with the Connecticut based newspaper in some capacity for at least the last 23. Print media is in my blood and it’s because of my time with the paper.

   It all started when I walked into their office as a junior in high school. I started by answering the phone, typing press releases and writing a youth-centered column called Brass City Youth. My goal was to learn everything I could. By my senior year, I was the production manager, in charge of page design and layout of the then biweekly newspaper.

   Definitely not your average job for a 16/17-year-old, and I loved it. This was back when each page needed to be printed out and the ads, pictures, captions and more all had to be pasted on 11x17 sheets, compiled and then driven to a printer — I’ve cut my finger with an X-Acto knife more than I can count.

   I worked for the newspaper full time through my senior year, and for several years after graduating from high school before moving on to other things. I still continue my work with the paper — working with them twice a year in a smaller capacity. I have an amazing relationship with the publisher and his daughter, who are great friends and grateful to have them still in my life.

   Fishing through some old pictures reminded me of how cool it’s been to be part of The Observer for all these years, and the skills I still use because of my time there. How incredible the ride has been.

IMG_4767IMG_4767Once pages were laid out, the staff of the then bi-weekly newspaper would paste up ads, pictures and cutlines to the mechanicals before they were driven to the printer (John Murray)

IMG_4778IMG_4778I started working for the newspaper when I was just a junior in high school. I was full time when I reached my senior year and stayed on full time after graduating. I still work with the paper twice a year and have a great relationship with the publisher and his daughter (John Murray)

(Quajay Donnell) Community Newspaper Print Media The Waterbury Observer Waterbury Waterbury Connecticut Waterbury Observer https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/7/backstory-my-time-in-print Thu, 04 Jul 2019 15:48:59 GMT
The FUA Krew x MAG https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/6/the-fua-krew-x-mag Get you an art gallery that can do both ...

The new mural by The FUA Krew in the Hurlbut Gallery at the Memorial Art Gallery connects Rochester street art to their space. Inspired by the abandoned Rochester subway tunnel, the installation celebrates the historic graffiti location. I spent most of my visit today admiring all of the amazing detail and watching others interact with the piece. Get to the MAG and check it out — it’s incredible.


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(Quajay Donnell) Gallery Memorial Art Gallery Rochester The FUA Krew Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/6/the-fua-krew-x-mag Thu, 20 Jun 2019 04:19:00 GMT
Douglass in Color https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/5/douglass-in-color FDFD2548-7E32-4938-9789-435F48395DC9FDFD2548-7E32-4938-9789-435F48395DC9 “The colors are a response to the environments they are placed in.” - Olivia Kim

The first thing I noticed when I started photographing Douglass throughout the city was that each statue had a slightly different color scheme. I loved how they all photographed differently. The statues really pop in the wild because of the slight variations. During a conversation with Olivia, she shared some insight to the color schemes of a few of the statues.

IMG_2318IMG_2318 “The younger looking Douglass is at the elementary school. By changing the color of the hair, and making his outer coat light and pants and vest relatively dark, the visual effect is of a younger slimmer Douglass”

8585018045821761441_IMG_31358585018045821761441_IMG_3135 “The Main St (aqueduct) Douglass has grey looking hair, light vest and pants with a relatively darker red coat. The effect of light clothing under dark makes Douglass look heavier and older.”

IMG_3815IMG_3815 “Sometimes just the surrounding colors of the environment effect the choice in colors. The high chroma blue coat of the Rochester Educational Opportunity Community center is to help Douglass stand out visually compared to the black and white colored building behind him.”


(Quajay Donnell) Frederick Douglass Kim" Olivia Rochester Rochester New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/5/douglass-in-color Wed, 29 May 2019 15:21:00 GMT
@ROCPaintDivision Season 4 Showcase https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/4/-rocpaintdivision-season-4-showcase    Congrats to ROC Paint Division on another successful season. They held their show season four show at UUU Art Collective's cool downtown space. Super talented artists and very beautiful pieces.

   MORE INFO: Roc Paint Division is the City of Rochester’s Youth Mural Arts Program. Their mission is to beautify the city’s R-Centers through mural arts while providing employment and training opportunities to young developing artist. The program is led by Justin Suarez, Sarah C. Rutherford and Brittany Williams - three talented Rochester artist.


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(Quajay Donnell) "Sarah Brittany Williams C City of Rochester Justin Suarez Public Art ROC Paint Division Rochester Rutherford" https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/4/-rocpaintdivision-season-4-showcase Fri, 26 Apr 2019 04:19:00 GMT
Frederick Douglass and Public Art Today https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/4/frederick-douglass-and-public-art-today -7680171626675437140_IMG_2310-7680171626675437140_IMG_2310 “The Douglass statue is about bringing people and a community together.” -Carvin Eison, Project Manager of the Re-Energizing the Legacy of Frederick Douglass

   With images of Douglass over their shoulder, a panel gathered for 'Frederick Douglass and Public Art Today' hosted by Memorial Art Gallery featuring Carvin Eison (Associate Professor of Journalism, Broadcasting & Public Relations at the College of Brockport), Joan Saab (Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester) and Carolyn Vacca (Monroe County Historian and Associate Professor and Chair of History at St. John Fisher College), moderated by Amanda Chestnut (Artist and Arts Administrator, Flower City Arts Center). Also in the audience was the sculpture of the Douglass replica statues around Rochester, Olivia Kim, who spoke briefly on the statue and sung the praises of volunteers who helped her bring Douglass to life.

   While the focus was on the statues of Douglass, the panel touched on the importance of public art and supporting artists. After a question from the audience, Chestnut offered up some advice on what that support could look like.

   “One thing you can do to support art is buy art from living artist,” she said. “If you don’t have money, give time”

   The gallery had a Douglass statue on display for a limited time, which connected the public art in the streets of Rochester to their space. The MAG also commissioned a beautiful visual piece on Douglass, “Lessons of the Hour” by Isaac Julien.

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(Quajay Donnell) Amanda Chestnut Carolyn Vacca Carvin Eison Frederick Douglass Joan Saab Memorial Art Gallery Olivia Kim Public Art Rochester Upstate New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/4/frederick-douglass-and-public-art-today Wed, 17 Apr 2019 04:19:00 GMT
JUST FOLKS - TEN YEARS OF 1975 AND WALL\THERAPY CURATION https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/3/just-folks---ten-years-of-1975-and-wall-therapy-curation -94600739337971320_IMG_1366-94600739337971320_IMG_1366    The opening of JUST FOLKS - Ten Years of 1975 and WALL\THERAPY Curation. The work was curated by Erich S. Lehman. The exhibit had a limited run at RIT City Art Space downtown. 

   The exhibit served as a “retrospective of the influence of 1975 Gallery on Rochester” and “overlapping with this is a selection of artists who participated in the WALL\THERAPY mural project whose impact on Rochester is seen on a daily basis”

   The exhibit featured work from: BONES - Sarah Blood - Carter Burwell - DAZE - Chloe Early - Faith XLVII - Conor Harrington - HOWNOSM - Ian Kuali’i - Mike Ming - St. Monci - Don Pendleton - Mark Penxa - Faring Purth - David Schnuckel - Justin Suarez aka Mr. Prvrt - Sarah C. Rutherford - David Walker - Brittany Williams - Addam Yekutieli aka Know Hope.


-3310531473019848872_IMG_1385-3310531473019848872_IMG_1385 2346801338618676709_IMG_12912346801338618676709_IMG_1291 3073766348428874020_IMG_13983073766348428874020_IMG_1398 3285792641006486812_IMG_13373285792641006486812_IMG_1337 352996038587604526_IMG_1415352996038587604526_IMG_1415 5167796944475833191_IMG_14235167796944475833191_IMG_1423 5752329141661061697_IMG_13455752329141661061697_IMG_1345 7465418816015117100_IMG_14147465418816015117100_IMG_1414 -7276948132849415676_IMG_1354-7276948132849415676_IMG_1354 -5646463224246276636_IMG_1389-5646463224246276636_IMG_1389 2133091440235446557_IMG_13592133091440235446557_IMG_1359 2272861381629937618_IMG_13842272861381629937618_IMG_1384 -5425426029938788049_IMG_1270-5425426029938788049_IMG_1270

(Quajay Donnell) Addam Yekutieli BONES Brittany Williams Carter Burwell Chloe Early City Art Space Conor Harrington David Schnuckel David Walker DAZE Don Pendleton Erich S Lehman Faith XLVII Faring Purth HOWNOSM Ian Kuali'i Justin Suarez Know Hope Mark Penxa Mike Ming Mr. Prvrt Rochester Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester New York Sarah Blood Sarah C Rutherford St. Monci Upstate New York Wall Therapy Wall Therapy New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/3/just-folks---ten-years-of-1975-and-wall-therapy-curation Fri, 01 Mar 2019 05:19:00 GMT
Snow Day https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/1/snow-day With my camera in hand after one of the biggest winter storms of the season in Rochester, we took to the outdoors for some snow day fun. 

squad snowsquad snow


king of the hillking of the hill

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(Quajay Donnell) https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/1/snow-day Sun, 20 Jan 2019 16:21:00 GMT
Her Voice Carries at MAG https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/1/her-voice-carries-at-mag I’ve trooped around the city photographing the murals in the @hervoicecarries series by Sarah C. Rutherford. I’ve caught and enjoyed them all in different Rochester neighborhoods. During a visit to the Memorial Art Gallery, I was in awe of the installation in the Hurlbut Gallery that tied in all those pieces from around the city. There's a new mural in that space now, so I'm glad I saw it and happy I bumped into that first amazing mural back in November that led me on a journey through this series. 

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(Quajay Donnell) "Sarah C Rutherford" Her Voice Carries Memorial Art Gallery Rochester Rochester New York https://www.quajay.com/blog/2019/1/her-voice-carries-at-mag Wed, 09 Jan 2019 16:21:00 GMT